Serai Saleh Railway Station is located in village Serai Saleh, Haripur District, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province, Pakistan. This railway station was built around 1913 during the British period. The height of Serai Saleh Railway is about 597 feet above sea level. This railway station is located after Kot Najibullah railway station. Serai Saleh Railway Station is located on Havelian branch line.
This railway station is located on the main Hazara road near the Dur river. Serai Saleh is located about 5 km north-east of Haripur city. Surroundings are mostly green valleys surrounded by mountains. The main clan of the town is Dilazak Inayat Khel. Serai Saleh Dilazak Inayat Khel, the land of former candidate Assembly Nawaz Khan and chief justice of high court Dawood Khan clan leader. This railway station has abandoned its house, a building of this railway which lies in its small ticket which includes some, house in house master office, house and batty godam etc. The building of Sarai Saleh railway was also painted white and Serai Saleh was written in black in English, but now day by day that thing is disappearing. Serai Saleh Railway has a single platform and there are some trees on it, including Eucalyptus and berry. A large number of signs were put up on the side of Sarai Saleh Railway outside Bulling. There is a lot of population around this railway station and there are some markets around it.