Kaliam Awan railway station is located in Gujjar Khan Tehsil of Rawalpindi District, Punjab, Pakistan. Kaliam Awan village is the main village of Kaliam Awan tehsil. This railway station was built by the British government in 1884.
Banyan trees can be seen in Kaliam Awan station and near village its surroundings, under these trees there is also a place to sit. The way it was made in the village in earlier times.
Kaliam Awan railway station has no dedicated vehicle route, there is a dirt road but good for bikes.
Between the trees and the old railway quarters stands a white and small railway station which is very picturesque. Along with the station, there are also rooms for the relaxation of the railway officials.
Kaliam Awan Railway Station is about 1830 feet above sea level, and its distance is 1476 km on the main line.
The Qibla direction for prayer is also indicated at this station. The welcome text is also written in white stones at Kaliam Awan railway station which presents a very attractive sight.
This station has a very colorful hand pump and is surrounded by beautiful white banyan trees. There is also a ticket ghar in the building of Kaliam Awan railway station but it is not used anymore, benches are also kept there.
There are also hanging colorful buckets in which sand and water are filled, which are used to extinguish the fire.
Kaliam Awan railway station also has some old things including a flower pot that was built in 1921 which is still there in the station.
No train stops at Kaliam Awan railway station but many trains pass through here due to main line.