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Tando Allah Yar District
Tando Allah Yar
Trains that stop at this Station
Train Name Tando AlahyarArrival Time Tando AlahyarDeparture Time
149UP - Mehran Express 19:55 19:57
150DN - Mehran Express 6:13 6:15
151UP - Shah Latif Express 11:20 11:22
152DN - Shah Latif Express 15:14 15:16
155UP - Saman Sarkar Express 16:24 16:26
156DN - Saman Sarkar Express 10:29 10:31
About Tando Alahyar Railway Station

Tando Alahyar Railway Station is located at Tando Allah Yar city, Tando Allah Yar District in Sindh province . Following trains stops at this railway station : 149UP - Mehran Express, 150DN - Mehran Express, 151UP - Shah Latif Express, 152DN - Shah Latif Express, 155UP - Saman Sarkar Express and 156DN - Saman Sarkar Express.