Trains that stop at this Station
Train Name | Shewan SharifArrival Time | Shewan SharifDeparture Time |
3UP - Bolan Mail | 23:23 | 23:25 |
4DN - Bolan Mail | 2:25 | 2:27 |
213UP - Mohinjo Daro Passenger | 13:10 | 13:15 |
214DN - Mohinjo Daro Passenger | 14:33 | 14:38 |
About Shewan Sharif Railway Station
Shewan Sharif Railway Station is located . Following trains stops at this railway station : 3UP - Bolan Mail, 4DN - Bolan Mail, 213UP - Mohinjo Daro Passenger and 214DN - Mohinjo Daro Passenger.