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Mianwali District
Trains that stop at this Station
Train Name Mari IndusArrival Time Mari IndusDeparture Time
202DN - Attock Passenger 20:40
201UP - Attock Passenger 3:00
147UP - Mianwali Express 20:00
148DN - Mianwali Express 5:50
Trains that don't stop here
Train Name Previous Station Name Prev Station Arrival Prev Station Departure
127UP - Mehr Express Daud Khel 2:03 2:05
128DN - Mehr Express Makhad Road 21:00 21:02
About Mari Indus Railway Station

Mari Indus Railway Station is located at Mianwali city, Mianwali District in Punjab province . Following trains stops at this railway station : 202DN - Attock Passenger, 201UP - Attock Passenger, 147UP - Mianwali Express and 148DN - Mianwali Express.

Following trains passes through Mari Indus railway station but does not stops here: 127UP - Mehr Express and 128DN - Mehr Express.