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Toba Tek Singh District
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About Gojra Railway Station
Gojra Railway Station is located at Gojra city, Toba Tek Singh District in Punjab province . Following trains stops at this railway station : 46DN - Pakistan Express, 45UP - Pakistan Express, 18DN - Millat Express and 17UP - Millat Express.
Following trains passes through Gojra railway station but does not stops here: 42DN - Karakoram Express, 41UP - Karakoram Express, 44DN - Shah Hussain Express, 43UP - Shah Hussain Express, 28DN - Shalimar Express, 27UP - Shalimar Express, 47UP - Rehman Baba Express, 48DN - Rehman Baba Express, 35UP - Sir Sayyed Express and 36DN - Sir Sayyed Express.